Time for a riddle.
What do you get when you take a Border Collie...
What do you get when you take a Border Collie...
...a Bengal cat...
...a coatimundi...
...an opossum...
...and a troop of rats...
...and bring them to a playground?
The answer?
Lots of fun and some awesome pictures!
Nana, Kaiser, and Shorty hanging out together for a picture.
"Giddy up, Kai! Let's go!"
"Look out, everyone! I own this playground!"
"Actually, Nana, I believe I own the playground!"
"Say what you want, guys, but we all know that this playground is my domain.
You're welcome for enlightening you."
You're welcome for enlightening you."
"Is the coast clear, Kai?"

"Good, 'cause I'm coming dooooooowwwn...."
"Come on Kai, move! I wanna use the slide again!"
"Well, clearly you have forgotten; I own the slide."
"Not if I come down right now and push you off. Hehe."
This is what six rats bickering over a flight of stairs looks like. The step that the other rats are on is always more exciting than the step on which the rat is currently stationed.
Arrow, Saoirse, Mortimer, Cash, Famous, and Suki
Arrow, Saoirse, Mortimer, Cash, Famous, and Suki
Of course, leave it to the impish and inquisitive Saoirse to entertain herself with this activity. She poked her head through each hole on the step's surface in case, by chance, there may have been one hole she could fit through.
And leave it to the equally impish and inquisitive Zed to attempt to copy her,
despite his head being far too big. Goofy boy. :)
despite his head being far too big. Goofy boy. :)
Nana posing for an embarrassing photo with Shorty.
Zed taking in the view from the top of his -- ahem -- Kaiser's tower.
Suki (left) and Arrow (right) playing Peek-a-boo.
Cash (left) and Arrow (right) exploring the playground.
"Who wants a swing ride?"
"We do!"
Mortimer (left) and Famous (right)
Mortimer (left) and Famous (right)
Now it's time to sleep it off.