After struggling with severe depression and off-and-on anorexia following the passing of Shadow, Raven finally lost her will to continue on and passed the afternoon of August 26th. She scarcely ate during her final days, exercised very little, and her positive response to the arrival of a new companion for her was unfortunately short-lived. Raven collapsed in her enclosure on August 7, after which I immediately separated her from the other rats and hand fed/watered her until she passed peacefully nearly three weeks later. She is now finally reunited with the only one who could have liberated her from the depression and grief which tragically took her life: Shadow, who passed away back in March.
Never have I witnessed such devotion, loyalty, and grief in an animal for another that passed on before them. Rats are such incredibly emotional and sensitive animals, and I don't believe any rat has proved this better than Raven. It pains me deeper than words can say to have lost two of my beautiful girls before their time; Shadow passed away back in March after reacting negatively to the anesthetic used during her surgery to remove a mammary tumour, and Raven due to the grief of losing Shadow. I miss those two girls beyond measure, and I wish more than anything to have them back.
Below is a handful of photos of Raven taken throughout her life, which was by far the best life she could have ever lived. She was cherished, heavily pampered, and adored for everything she was... mischievous, rowdy, bossy, audacious, and adventurous among many other things. Raven has left a void in my broken heart that only she could fill, and it is not the same around here without her running about causing the mischief she was known for. Raven, know that you are dearly loved and you will be missed until we meet again. I love you, my precious baby girl.
Never have I witnessed such devotion, loyalty, and grief in an animal for another that passed on before them. Rats are such incredibly emotional and sensitive animals, and I don't believe any rat has proved this better than Raven. It pains me deeper than words can say to have lost two of my beautiful girls before their time; Shadow passed away back in March after reacting negatively to the anesthetic used during her surgery to remove a mammary tumour, and Raven due to the grief of losing Shadow. I miss those two girls beyond measure, and I wish more than anything to have them back.
Below is a handful of photos of Raven taken throughout her life, which was by far the best life she could have ever lived. She was cherished, heavily pampered, and adored for everything she was... mischievous, rowdy, bossy, audacious, and adventurous among many other things. Raven has left a void in my broken heart that only she could fill, and it is not the same around here without her running about causing the mischief she was known for. Raven, know that you are dearly loved and you will be missed until we meet again. I love you, my precious baby girl.
Raven at six weeks old.
Hanging out on the farm equipment.
One of my favourite pictures. Left to right: Raven, Famous, and Suki
Raven exploring the Bobcat.
Raven loved to climb trees almost more than any other activity... almost.
Raven's favourite activity (next to causing mischief in the house) was learning and performing tricks. Here, she demonstrates her "jump" trick, where she would leap high into the air like a kangaroo.
And in the evenings, Raven was always down for a wrestling match.
All of the rats love to compete with each other over who gets to eat the treats hidden in the bucket of the wishing well, and of course Raven enjoyed participating in the competition.
In the evenings, the ratties are given their pureed fruits & veggies.
Here, Raven (left) shares a dish with Shadow (right).
Here, Raven (left) shares a dish with Shadow (right).
Raven snuggles with Shadow, Famous, and Suki underneath
Famous' outdoor skateboard ramp.
Famous' outdoor skateboard ramp.
"Where are we going, Mom?"
Taken roughly two months prior to her passing. This photo shows Raven chilling on the cooling stone in the rats' enclosure, with Famous by her side.
In her final days, Raven spent virtually all of her time in this hut stationed on the window-shelf of the rats' enclosure (this photo is taken from the room outside the enclosure looking inside). Mortimer (pictured) stayed by her side grooming her and bringing her food right until the day she collapsed.
One of the last pictures taken of Raven. Aged 2 years, 7 months.